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The Soul

Soul Divine

The Divine SOul

Each Human Being (remember a human being is a composite Being made up of a physical body and a eternal  Soul) is equal in its pursuits in this life as the expression of LOVE. This LOVE is NOT A FEELING and is not a  “spirit” meaning a non-physical entity of various types. All spirits are “spirits” meaning a specified but limited  “energy” that has never had a human body 

 Your soul is your “Lord” or your “Master” It is your LIGHT.

The Kingdom of Heaven (see Luke 17:21)  for the Human Being living a physical life is the same that Yeshua, the Hebrew Jesus spoke about is the Soul which is in limited communion with God through on a journey of illumination.

Each soul has the potential to become a great illuminating light that can assist Creation on multiple levels. The  Soul of Yeshua became living animated perceptual field of conscious light in a  light body and this is your goal as a Created Being: to actualization and attain the anointing of your Soul to become an Eternally Conscious Living Light: A Son or Daughter of the One  and only)  Living God. 

Many who try to attain this anointing through what is called redemption or salvation will experience in some way the precepts or belief “system” in the concepts of the reality of that which they are taking on and is what all religions offer but cannot truly give.  True religion is to Self Actualize your highest “God” potential through the coarse of your life. Love is the guiding force that teaches ALL lessons of divinity which is a vibration, not a studied or aquired knowledge of text. 


All Religions are a tool and a philosophical method or practice for the attainment of a temporal illumination to the idea of whatever it represents.

MAN MADEPermanent and after death SOUL ACTUALIZATION is the attainment of divine consciousness embodied and is what is desired by the Soul.

The Soul has its own precept as an application of thought. However, all are required to seek and eventually receive this anointing of their own soul on their own accord, realizing and actualizing their  soul  conjoin within the unified field of Divine Light of the Living God.”

This is the “light into darkness” of ignorance to which we are born or have been taught from which we come. The truth about Yeshua is he will or  can and does bridge all gaps of thought as an anointed Master OverSoul creating one “body” in a unified field of thought as a perceptual field of living light from his accomplishment in this reality of human life. 

     Each individual soul must break away from its bondage to other  agendas which are this ‘darkness” because they have no light of their own. Man’s religion is a duplicating spirit that seeks to  controls the human being for its life force energy and the means to a physical housing (meaning your body) of many of its spiritual elements.  Although as with all things, the reflection of truth lives side by side in this darkness and is found by those who truly seek, even in the same space such as religion. A complex paradoxical idea but none the less true. 

        Therefore, this explains why some people in a religious situation will have an experience of what they think is God ( usually the “spirit of that particular sect of religion)  and some only have experience of Emotion. None of this is truly worthy to the Soul who seeks illumination except to discover the error, remove the attachment to the promised outcome and move on towards the Goal: Personal anointing. This goal is Self-Realization of the Soul to its source:  CREATOR.  To read more click here                   

           True SOUL conscious anointing is the last step for the soul as a divine realization in  this physical reality and what is sought when all else reveals to be what it is: Illusion contained in the holographic field of light we live in duality of space and time.  The play of the light and dark is a manifestation of the physical dynamics of our reality to which we are subject to as physical beings in physical reality within gravity. We are Light and we must be that Light, sooner or later.