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The Living God

The Living God

Since the beginning humankind has looked for answers outside of itself and found many ways to avoid the realization that what we are looking for is  OURSELVES. Our true identity is  ONLY found in the discovery of our Soul.  In this, we find the Living God. 

 When  the Hebrew Jesus said ” If you have seen me, you have seen the father” (John 14:9) and also “the kingdom of God is within you”(Luke 17:21) what  he was saying was what you are looking already is in YOU. 

 You are a child of God who dwells within everyone and as children of the Creator all humans are learning to be like the Creator as “co-creators”. The world has gone crazy trying to make idols into the very thing he and many other God realized souls have pointed to in not seeking outside of one’s soul for a god.  Man made of images of when its your own unique and pure expression of LOVE you must embrace.  

Many have turned Jesus himself into a god rather than a clear example of the living Light within which he pointed to and expressed and died for throughout his life.  We have made him into the very thing he was striving to teach others about, another idol and stumbling block to everyone’s soul discovery and development. 


We are children of the Living God who lives (already) within us LIVING.  We do not need to be saved except out ignorance which teaches us to deny the living light of CREATOR AS LOVE , who is God within us and rely on stories about things that do not really make rational and reasonable sense.


We must learn to honor the intuition we have been designed with as an inner knowing to command and connect with this built-in radar that signifies when are on track with the truth or not.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit an anointing light is an animated divine illumination of truth that guides the soul whenever it is on course with divine truth. 

Our consciousness when correctly illuminated is anointed in living light and we are taught of our special place in creation which  is already holy and also awaits to be “anointed” (the meaning of the term Messiah). 

Our Lives

The sealing of this living light into our vessel (our body) connects us to our Soul to do the will of ( actualize) God through our lives but IN our SOUL. It is necessary to our Souls to overcome the effects of unconsciousness which comes from incarnating into gravity and the physical world itself of matter.

Living Light

We must earn to control our physical "animal" bodies and appetites subject to instinct, survival and procreating to establish our Souls Eternal Garments of CONSCIOUS Living Light.

If we are to understand correctly the purpose of being alive  must strive to understand the human being is a composite being made of two parts: A SOUL and A BODY. Both play a role in our evolution as a "species and both are important functions to expressing the Living God which is LOVE All true religions leads us to a crossroad, and the same crossroad at that. Religion is meant as a tool which, when no longer needed is respected and participated in on a higher level.