The Jerusalem Unity Center
The Jerusalem Unity Center

The term “70 Nations” refers to the time early in the narratives of Genesis where we read in the story of the Tower of Babel. The story is found in Genesis 11:1-9 when “all” of mankind was dispersed from this awareness and harmony of Oneness and divided into 70 nations speaking in 70 tongues (languages) after trying to reach to the heavens where Source was thought to be. This narrative is an origin myth meant to explain why the world’s peoples are different according to culture and why they speak different languages. In Judaism, the keepers of the stories found in Torah, 70 represent the entire world of humankind after its dispersion no matter what the reason
The Seventy Nations is based on the Biblical vision of the ultimate unity of all people brought together in the belief of One God. From the time of Abraham till our own day this has been the mission of the Jewish people: to teach and share this universal vision. All the Jewish prophets spoke of a Messianic age of peace and harmony between all people, when Jerusalem would again be the spiritual capital of the world and when a Temple would be built that would be a House of Prayer for All People. Our hope is to unite the world in true righteousness that comes without discrimination of Religion, Culture, Nation, or Tribe, thus bringing Peace and Justice to Jerusalem and the Whole Earth.
The Jerusalem Unity Center soon to be built by the Seventy Nations is a Center for All Nations to come and learn about the One God of Creation. This Center soon to be built in the heart of Jerusalem will facilitate a global movement for those who, while standing together with Israel, both secular and religious, will strive to discover and create a collective global community united in a new understanding of The One God who is Creator-Sustainer of the Universe. As such, we will advocate that the Human Being is a created being which is sustained by our Creator.
Meirah is Marianne Paradise; A daughter, mother, grandmother, and Founder of The Seventy Nations, Jerusalem. The Seventy Nations operates as the “Jerusalem Unity Center” which is merging global efforts to bring unified teachings to all nations to increase the knowledge of the One God who is the Creator of the Universe.
Marianne is a lifelong peace worker in the vineyards of God (and her family!). She has actively participated in many grassroots organizations from Peace to Interreligious affairs of all nations, countries, and peoples. In 1998 after making a trip to Rome to present the then Pope, John Paul II her ideas on uniting the world to a better understanding of Creator through embracing the understanding that the same One God is found within regardless of religion and creed, Pope JPII awarded her with his Apostolic Bless for her Ecumenical efforts in striving to unite all people with the Jewish identity of the One God.

Human Equality, Human Value, Human Rights, and the Human Divine Be-ing along with The Common Good, Moral Integrity, Rational Thinking, and Logical Deduction will be a foundation and platform to make all our decisions as an organization and to dispel the negative and false understandings of our origins. We will attempt to discover as we reach into all areas of human existence our spiritual and conscious evolution to acquire the level of divine understanding meant for all human beings made in the image and likeness of the Living God who is the Creator Sustainer living in and through all of its Creation.
The Seventy Nations organization strives to unite All Nations, peoples, tribes, and cultures into a renewed and conscious understanding of the One God who is Creator Sustainer of the Universe according to the principles of the 7 Universal Laws that existed prior to any current religions or the giving of the Torah that outline general and basic moral principles for living unity with diversity with a multi faced universe of evolving consciousness and unique perspectives on origin.
The 70 Nations seeks to make known that what is found in Genesis as well as commonly found in other creation stories around the globe, is the revelation of the living God according to culture. This unique and divine revelation of the Living God as Creator Sustainer is expounded the Hebrew Torah depicting a time when all people were One People and understood God as One in Creator Sustainer.
The Seventy Nations intends to open and enhance the divine revelation of the Living God who is the One God as Creator Sustainer of All Life, charting a clear pathway out of religious views that separate, myth and false understanding built on manipulation that compromise human full potential and ignorance to divine truths to reveal a simple truth that can unify the world and all people:God as we know it is to be understood as lord as in master or teacher; also called the individual SOUL and the Creator is the SUSTAINER who gives life to all living things.