The One God
Across the world, in various cultures, the concept of a powerful divine creator is a belief that remains steadfast among many individuals. Religious stories and traditions are incredibly diverse, however, pondering the essence of our existence is vital as we strive for happiness and fulfillment. It is thought that each of us holds a unique destiny, a significant mission that aligns with the divine calling of our Creator.
The overwhelming connection we share with our Creator is fascinating, which provides an internal force capable of guiding us towards a life filled with meaning. As we move closer to reaching our full potential, it is essential to maintain an open attitude towards learning and trust in the universal connection, which propels us towards living with purpose and love.
As we embark on the journey of self actualization, we must take active steps towards attaining our divine purpose. The road ahead is waiting for us, calling us to take the initial step, and there is no need for further guidance. Since we are children of an immense Creator, we have been gifted with everything we need to live lives enriched with purpose and meaning.
The term “God” as we read in Genesis first appeared in the story of the Garden of Eden who made man according to its image. We later read this same supposed God allowed the tree of good and evil to exist side by side with the tree of knowledge, but told Adam and Eve they could not eat of its fruit. We then read a snake or serpent appeared and deceived the holy couple. Does this make any literal sense.
While the Creator is obviously real, why do we still believe and try to make sense out of the fairytale that seems more for children, and even that’s a stretch. How has this story hypnotized us for thousands of years? Looking back at many ancient texts we find similar methods of trying to explain our existence in the numerous creation stories of all cultures.
Rightfully, God should be viewed as a personal and attentive higher power of understanding, though difficult to why such illusive yet supernatural Creator. Seemingly, many paths are correct choices, if practiced truly what they suggest which, is the calling to moral conscious and embodiment of LOVE. Otherwise, as we so often see in man’s animal nature is the unconscious to dominate or control rather than to allow and grow in this knowledge of God who dwells within us.
Where there is love there is God. Those who do not love do know do not truly know the living God. Knowing is different than believing. Yet most people believe what they are told rather than choose to actually learn and know. Many of us are lost in fear of a God who condemns.
Let us explore the ways in which we came to such ideas and the expectation of a savior who would come to save us from our ignorance. Let us discover together the paths of self exploration and the paths to reaching the full human potential of self actualization also called God realization. Lets discover the living God within us whose image is carried in all of mankind. More importantly, let us rediscover the love and knowledge of the living God rather than a reality that reflects otherwise.