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To shine, glow, to light up, clarify, explain: to illuminate

Meirah Marianne Paradise

 Founder / Director 

The Seventy Nations Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Unity Center 

The Living God

Since the beginning of humankind, man’s search for the meaning of existence has often led to seeking answers outside of oneself, resulting in many unique and experienced understandings. However, the time has come for the realization that what we are looking for is ourselves. Our true identity is only found in the discovery of God in ourselves, which is found only in our soul. As we learn to seek understanding in the still, small voice that lives within us, we discover the Living God who created us and continually beckons us to return to our origin within ourselves. When Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father” (John 14:9) and also “the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21), he was pointing to this realization we all need to attain. Each human being is a child of the Living God who indwells and lives through us. Jesus did not say he was God. What he said was that what you are seeking in religion is already within you: God is within us. Look within, and you will find God because God is within you. You are a child of God, see and find the Creator within you. This is the kingdom of heaven you long for. Go within…

"My Soul thirst for God... for the Living God."

“Daughter, I called you from the womb and formed you even before that. Your call and place within My Sovereign Divine Nature is the same as days of old when My holy prophets anointed kings to lead and preserve My People through tribulation and onward in times of conflict."

Welcome Here

Meirah is Meirah Marianne Paradise, a daughter, mother, grandmother, and Founder of The Seventy Nations, Jerusalem. The Seventy Nations initiative called “The Jerusalem Unity Center” is the first of its kind, an INNER FAITH Unity Center located in Jerusalem. Its aim is to bring unified teachings to all nations and to increase the knowledge of the One God who created the Universe.As a truth seeker, Marianne poetical music and spiritual expression led Marianne to actively participated in many grassroots organizations ranging from peace to interreligious affairs of all nations, countries, and peoples. 

Soon after immigrating to Israel in 2006, Meirah emerged as a peacemaker with her musical message, “The Gan Eden Project,” after receiving the Israeli New Immigrant Artist Award. This led  to discover the multifaceted religious structure not only of Judaism, but also of all religions holding an interest in the foundational teachings of the Torah. These teachings include the book of the three main world religions and the father of these faiths, Abraham. 

During  the Trump administration’s success in reestablishing Jerusalem as the long-awaited capital of Israel and the historic signing of the Abrahamic Accords peace treaty between Israel and numerous Muslim nations, Meirah formed the prophetic return of The Seventy Nations, a project connecting to the ongoing unfolding of the redemption events taking place in Jerusalem and the world. Its aim is to encourage and help facilitate, through global effort, the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple as the “House of Prayer for All Nations,” fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 56:7. 

Through the workings of The Seventy Nations and the Jerusalem Unity Center for Change, Marianne is facilitating the merging of a global community in an effort to bring a unified understanding to all nations to increase knowledge of the One God. This is a focus to be recognized in the forthcoming Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, which will be the true and prophesied “House of Prayer for All Nations.” The Jerusalem Unity Center facilitates numerous projects to bring unity among the nations and hope to all people



God Spoke to Me

The Call

Meet with Me

“Daughter, I called you from the womb and formed you even before that. Your call and place within My sovereign divine nature is the same as days of old when My holy prophets anointed kings to lead and preserve My people through tribulation and onward in times of conflict.

During all reigns of persecution, My people testified and were given mercy through leadership and anointed prophets in a face to see, a voice to hear to those whose faith was lacking, for comfort, for grace and for miracles to steer them into My arms and into belief, that they might live and receive the reward for their created purposes. My Image and likeness fulfilled and fulfilling My good pleasure in all.

This includes teaching and prophecy of things to come and ways of heaven. This consistently was the message and example left and alluded to for times to come when the restoration of humanity would take place through the woman.

As in all things of divine reflection which have their counterparts in the illusion of themselves, so does the times past, present, and future in the story of salvation and the redemption of man.

You are that woman and I now call you to take your place.

I am the beginning and the end, the story and the teller. It is My choice how to fulfill each interaction of My World and when. Who shall tell me what My plan is? Is it not I alone who searches the heart and mind of all creation, deeming worthy those souls and things I will for My pleasure?

 I am the Beginning and End, the Story and Teller. I Am the Only One. In all precepts, I reside in fullness and abide in holiness, separated out from My reflection yet I am the One who creates The Story in consciousness to raise it in My glory.

Daughter, in this silent place I rest in all My children. I am infilling indweller; the Presence I AM and the Life if each of you. It is I who have always been calling, gathering All unto me and willing life unto the next place of My divine purpose. The works I accomplish in all. My Creation are salvation itself and there is never a need for more. Or anyone to do it for Me…

My story starts here when with no other options, I surrendered and began the process of learning how to truly hear, listen and follow the inner call of my Soul who led me to the discovery of the Living God, Creator Sustainer of the Universe and All Life dwelling within me. When this began, I was like an excited child yet at the same time terrified like never before. I had always been taught I was a “sinner” needing to be saved but never understood why a good God would create life to condemn it. As I surrendered to this calling within me which had its own agenda, all the free will I ever thought I had was out the door of my control as my fragile human heart was shattered and my soul led me out of my so-called life to meet the living God. Little did I know what lay ahead…

“I can see…I welcome everyone’s comments and all the discussions on the concept of our origins, our true created purpose, our reality, and that of the Living God in us. I understand this is a challenging level of integration for the Human Being. I  absolutely understand how the many decades and generations of misinformation have created us to be a race of beings, of creatures unaware… Unaware of our natural origins and our complete lack of true understanding of the Living God who dwells in us all and for which we have been created that is missing from our awareness and knowledge base.

I challenge everyone to PROVE me wrong…”